Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentines and all its drama..

"Roses will wither, food will go down the colon and through your bowel and into the toilet.....good wine will come out as pee, a card will be used to 'washa the jiko' but if his love is will last forever(or atleast a while)...unless that man buys you diamonds...valentines means jack! yeah I said it..." the wise philosopher, Dy.

I'm just so sick and tired of that mentality drilled into women's heads that their man has to do something reaaaaally expensive for them ati because its valentines. Why the **** can't you do it for him this time round? This is cliche, I know, but love should be shared and celebrated all year round...not only on one day.

Someone just made an utterance that shocked me, immensely. My question: Why can't you do something special for your man this time round instead of the reverse? The answer: Because he's used to it. And this got me thinking, does it mean that valentines day is only meant for the woman? Isn't love a two way path? If it is then don't 'each' of the two parties deserve to be appreciated rather than just one? Another cliche, please excuse me, "do unto others what you would want them to do unto you" How in the world do you expect your man to do something for you willingly when you don't even do shiiet for him? You don't cook nor clean (cos you're a modern woman,) you make him beg for conjugal be continued.


  1. Yeah, I heard that someone actually bought a red dress with a brassier and panties to match as a presentation of love to their man,lol. Who even said men love red, if am not wrong a bunch of them would rather stick with black, am thinking. On my part the day doesn't quite count unless otherwise :)

  2. SMH..people are so vain, it hurts. Holidays are starting to mean less and less to me with every passing year, especially that valentines day, kwanza Easter! and then christmas...aii, i just don't get them.
